Public-Private Partnerships:
Meridian Hill Advisors works with a number of school districts, neighborhood development corporations, and other public institutions. Our clients face a number of obstacles to their long term needs. These can include external budget and appropriation constraints, legal challenges, and disparate community interests.
We have assisted several of these institutions by structuring and implementing public-private partnerships, realizing value from existing real estate assets. Our experience includes a number of innovative structures in this area.
Examples of public-private initiatives include partnering private investment with:
- Public Agencies to develop and operate public facilities;
- Redevelopment Agencies to finance the development of their portfolios;
- Transit Authorities contemplating Transit Oriented Development at existing or new stations;
- Port Authorities planning waterfront development;
- School Districts planning mixed-use developments and consolidation of existing facilities;
- Surplus land agencies, trusts and other entities with significant land portfolios; and
- Sports Authorities developing retail and other uses in connection with stadiums.